Unfortunately, in spite of the wonderful Buddha thoughts and the beautiful images, there is too much other stupid thinks in the screen, making it too polluted... a pity... Id prefer having a buying version without all this...
Just beautiful!
The only problem is that when I installed the update, advertising appeared! Is there a toggle function, or is advertising the only permanent thing in the universe? Citations of where the quotes are derived from (what text etc) would be terrific. Thank you for creating this app.
The app title is deceiving as there are maybe only 30 sayings. Feels like a ploy for advertising that you cant get rid of.
this is great! Simple, easy to use wisdom to-go.
I dig this app, the icon is cute, the quotes are wise, and the latest update has more new stuff. Simple, cant go wrong!
The app is great, but was much better when not written in italics. Italics are a grammatical tool, that cause annoyance in reading when used excessively/improperly. It looks like you are emphasizing every word, or writing in dialogue. Please revert to the calm and easy to read appearance of the regular, non-italicized words. Simplicity was much nicer!
Lovely quotes, though only very few and have heard many before, are very enjoyable to reflect on.
Its very nice to think right and its also to make you realize the reality of life
Wonderful, provides great wisdom when i need it most. Incredibly simple app, but this does not need to be complex
Enlightenment in an app. What better way than to re-mind ones self of the Way.
This app is very uplifting, I recommend it to everyone!
Its great when you just have a minute or 2 to read something positive quickly before a meeting or to start your day
When life seems difficult, read some of these quotes to keep things in perspective.
Wonderful reminders of Buddhas teachings.
An excellent collection of words of wisdom.
Nice words of wisdom in an instant. Would be helpful if their source was also listed so I could read them in context for deeper learning.
this is a great ap. it is 90% free of ads and doesnt pester you with any ads. if your looking for something to put things into perspective for you time and time again, this is good for that. thoroughly pleased.