Buddha & Buddhism Quotes 500! App Reviews

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GhoSt ✨

This App is UnBelievable . . that is if you Enjoy being shuffled Down a NeW and eXcitinG Journey of the Mind and ExSistanCe Shifty States . . . AllowwW your self the ChoiCe as Well the XperiaNce ✨

Positive moments

Wonderful quotes --a moment of positive reflection. Like taking a full breath of fresh air


A thought provoking app, beautifully done. A good way to start the day!


Great way to start my day. Puts everything into perspective

Enjoy the inspiration

Nice pictures too!


Great little app without pesky adds and lots of positive affirmations! Thank you!

Cleansing and refreshing.

"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha.

So great.

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to know his sacred words!


Nice and Clever.

Love this app

Wonderful daily reminders.

Excellent app!

I only wish I could figure out how to purchase it and eliminate ads. When I click on that option, it doesnt work.


The messages keep me in tune throughout my day


Quotes and pictures are fine but I paid $2.99 for the upgrade and I cant send a particular picture with quote to another person when its needed. What they send is the plain quote in little black writing, NO picture and and big link to the App Store to get THEIR APP! - Selfish app- makers here- why did they think I paid for no adds?? Ill certainly be requesting my money back. Buddha-like they certainly are NOT.

Nothing more nothing less.

Simple, subtle and calm. Like a calm and soft summer breeze. Just perfect.

Love it!

Ive had this app now for five years and enjoy it still :)


I love the beauty and simplicity of this app.

Early A M inspiration

Great to read something positive in the morning

Simply beautiful

Thanks to Lord Buddha

Okay App...

...but could be so much better if the developer would get rid of the grey band that the sayings are in. This really detracts from the lovely background photos. I find this situation too annoying to give it any more than two stars. This has to be easy to to do and it would be so much better!! This app should be about the photos as much as the sayings. So, why dont you fix this?

Daily Buddhist meditation n words of wisdom

This is so up lifting n it makes u want to be a better person. Love it! And thanks for an up lifting book!

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